Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tucson, AZ (still)

I decided to throw another frustrating day up. This one is from around April-ish of this year. Is about a trip to Best Buy, its a little rushed, but it should be a decent read.

The Mcdonalds nearby only has one outlet and it was in use; he said he'd be a while. I waited 2 hrs, and went to a different Mcdonalds. Their Mcwifi is down. Panera Bread's outlet is too far from the store to get their wifi. The ctrl key came off my keyboard and the power cord quit working. In the morning, I went to Mcdonalds to try to fix it, and I cut myself in the process. I couldn't fix it, so I went to Radio Shack and talked to an employee who opened every package in an attempt to find the right cord and a man with a lazy eye. They said to go to Best Buy. The electric door would not open, and the greeter told me to go around rather than opening the door for me. I pulled it open. Best Buy's cords did not list any PC compatibilty on the ac adapter boxes, and the woman didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. She said I'd have to buy them before I can open them, and i couldn't return it if was open. I looked up the compatibility list of their adapters on the display PC's but they did not list the actual PC models. I saw an in-store TV comercial for returning used electronics for store credit, so I took my handheld gps to the gps section where it still sells for $140. The guy told me to go to customer service. The woman at customer service told me to go online, and I said I didn't have internet. She repeated the website to me. I went back to the PC department and looked up the trade-in page. My gps was not listed. The man in the computer department didn't know how to help, so I asked him about the power adapters, but he didn't know anything. He laughed and said you got two strikes. I walked around the store. I tried the Wii but it said to disconnect the nunchuck befoe it could continue, it was glued in. I tried the 3dtv, but there were no glasses. I went to the car sterio guy to ask about equalizers, but he was busy talking about a party with a coworker. I went back to the customer service counter and said that my gps was not listed, she said to call the 1800 number. My phone's speaker is dead so i have to have it on loudspeaker, and the woman on the phone (once i finally get an operator) leads me to the website that im already on. She says she can't hear me because of the background noise in their own store. Then the low battery beep causes the phone to freeze up and it disconnects me. I went to the truck to drink a beer and get my charger, but I couldn't find an outlet near the computers. I went back to the car sterio guy to ask about equalizers, but he said he didn't know what that was, and they must not have any, or they may be out of them. The guy at the door asked to see my reciept. I didn't buy anything, and wasn't even carrying anything. I went to Mcdonalds to charge my phone, and ended up temporarily fixing the power cable. But the internet was down agian, I called Mctech support and they say its their fault, but they have no idea when it will start working. They said I should try again every 15-20 minutes. its been down for days. Now the phone is frozen, solitaire crashed due to low memory, note pad is fucking up the word wrap, and my Mcchicken is cold. I can't get trashed because I have to be at KOA to work at 3:30!

If you enjoyed this at all, you should enjoy my old journal entry about my last day at the KOA.. coming soon!

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