Saturday, November 27, 2010

Casa Grande, AZ

typed 11-27-10

So, I had planned to be in Vegas for Thanksgiving so we could find a free holiday meal, and sure enough we found one at a local high school. We woke up and headed over there. We were the fisrt ones there and the only ones for about an hour. This is the first year they had offered this meal, and their only publicity was a few flyers and an internet ad. What homeless people google "free thanksgiving meal las vegas"? We do! The local news was there and they wanted to interview someone. Luaren declined, so that left me. We'll have to keep watching for our story. There were hundreds of volunteers and they were all very nice and eager to serve us. We ate like kings. We stayed for about 2 hours, and a few other people trickled in. One woman sat with us, so we stayed a little longer so we could talk.

We finally left for the Hoover Dam. The TSA's felt the need to search the truck, and we obliged. We stayed there long enough to drop a bouncy ball off the edge, and take a few pictures. We headed on across the new bridge, got some gas, and drove all the way to a Walmart in El Centro on Black Friday.

We woke up, and checked out the damage. I though about getting in line for a TV, then selling the right to buy it to someone who actually wanted it. I also thought about going in at 5am to yell things like, "All the credit card machines are down!" and "OMG, the last rare purple robotic hamster thing!" Instead we just went in at 11 and looked at all the DVD's scattered on the floor and celophane wrapping everywhere.

We went to Del Taco, but they didn't have Lauren's 1$ fish taco deal, so she only got 2 of them. We went to Calexico, parked, and went into Mexicali. We had some tacos and headed back across the boarder. The Homeland Supremacy folks had a hard time believing that I was from West Virginia, and that I'd only come for lunch. They asked if i was bringing anything back with me, but I decided not to say, "just this bag," and point to Lauren. They brought out the dogs and checked lauren and I. The dog smelled Riley's fur on Lauren and they searched her. They asked if I was her husband, and if she was my wife, and if we were married, and if it was to each other.

They finally decided that they had nothing on us, and we went back to the truck. We drove to a place just south of Pheonix, and slept at a Best Western. This morning, I had to use the restroom, so I went into a Denny's. They were cleaning the men's rooms, and they said it was for customers only. My stomach has been a little messed up for a few days now, and the Mexican street food probably didn't help. I was only about 70% sure I hadn't crapped myself, this morning, so I ordered a cup of coffee. They said they had a 5$ minimum credit limit, so I sat down for an egg and a buiscuit and gravy. I ordered my egg over-easy, but their pan was a little to hot, and one side got a little crispy. Thats fine, but they should have put the crispy side down for easier forking. It wouldn't usually be a problem, but my meal had no gravy-free bread with which to sop up the yolk. I finished up, and went back to the truck to watch the part of Robocop, that I slept through the other night, and to have a beer. Today, we head to Tucson to meet Lauren's uncle, and I'll try to post this when I get a chance.

Later that day:
We went to Walmart for Lauren to use the bathroom and for me to restock on beer. I forgot that Arizona was a light-beer state. The Walmarts don't carry ANY ice beer. If I wanted light beer, I'd take it home and water it down myself. I got 20 tallboys of Steel Reserve. We continued to Tucson, and got some dog food at a Petsmart, and made it into a Mcdonalds. I hope those 20 skunky cans of beer last me until the Grand Canyon, where I know I can but some ice beer. Stay posted, the next few weeks should be fun.

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